🖤Customer reviews🖤
Nickname: S. M san
Nationality: Sweden
Area: Yamate station
The length of stay: 3 years
Good point the House or Apartment:
Nice area, big well and planned house.
Town Information:
Yamate is very central and with many
parks in the area around the house.
Where is your favorite place in Japan?:
Yokohama and Kyoto is magical.
Your recommend about Japan:
Everything is great in culture, people, nature and food.
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#rentalhouse #yamatebluff #minatomirai #shigetarealestate #expats
#customerreviews #luxuryhouse #luxuryapartment #横浜 #山手 #みなとみらい #高級賃貸 #高級賃貸住宅 #賃貸 #賃貸管理 #外国人向け #お客様の声 #オーナー様募集中